Our team of expert lawyers has strong industry expertise in real estate & development legal services in Pakistan. The Extell marketing group offers our clients a team of market-leading lawyers with years of experience in commercial real estate services.
We work hands in hand with LEX PRAXIS for all legal matters. We offer services for purchase agreements, deeds, property taxes, estate planning, zoning, titles, mortgage documents, title documents, and transfer documents. They will review all paperwork in advance and advise on any problems or omissions with the documentation.
We have a team of experienced, knowledgeable, and competent lawyers at your service. We help our clients finalize contracts, leases, and other legal documents in the purchase of a property.
Our real estate legal services include assisting in selling and purchasing apartment buildings, office buildings, shopping centers, and other developed and undeveloped properties.
This includes claims ranging from neglectful maintenance (faulty elevators, damaged steps, insufficient lighting, wrongly constructed roofs, falling ceilings, plumbing, windows, heating systems, etc.) to insufficient security.
Our attorneys assist our clients in obtaining tax reductions under local laws, tax reductions in real estate tax certiorari proceedings, and minimizing transfer and other real property taxes.
We represent owners and lenders in the financing and refinancing of real property. We also assist in substantial institutional, private, and government-subsidized mortgage loans on commercial, industrial, and individual and multi-family housing properties in an economical way.
Our legal department zealously represents our customers’ interests in all real estate matters. This includes commission and brokerage claims, construction contract disputes, disputes between cooperative corporations, and between unit owners and condominium associations, and other environmental-related cases.
We evaluate potential environmental law problems of real property and assist our clients with environmental law compliance.
We evaluate potential environmental law problems for our client’s property and assist them with environmental law compliance for real estate developers in Pakistan.
Our attorneys are experts in real estate workouts, debt restructuring, sponsor default issues, and minimizing the adverse tax consequences from such transactions.
We are familiar with local zoning law and building code requirements and represent clients before the Board of Standards and Appeals, the Building Department, and other public agencies.
Our attorneys prepare commercial, office, and residential leases for property for sale in Pakistan. Along with this, we assist in license agreements, management contracts, and contracts for the construction, restoration, and repair of buildings.